MPLS Core small ISP free from BGP and IPv6
Hello colleagues! The network design is made in the form of rings, which provides good fault tolerance, at a low cost price. MPLS in the Core uses the ISIS protocol with fine tuning. Global ipv4 traffic is transmitted using MPLS tags for iBGP next-hop. When transmitting the global ipv6 traffic, MPLS VPN V6PE technology is used. Aslo in this example, various options for connecting equipment are implemented. Branch2 is connected to the office using CsC MPLS VPN technology. L2 or L3 equipment other branches are connected using MPLS VPN technology. Internet access for the branches going through the office.In this setting, between the equipment CE1 and CsC-PE1 can be set ASA. Ipv4 DHCP server Branch5 and Branch6 are located on the office router CsC-PE1. Ipv6 DHCP server Branch5 are located on CE5 and Branch6 on PE6. Fully test this idea I do not have the technical capabilities. Who are interested in this idea, conduct tests, please. I will be glad to hear from you...